Multi-axis laser welding cells with intelligent tool concepts

LWC with different axes in operation
Exemplary product of an LWC
Exemplary product of an LWC

The four axis of the processing optics in combination with one or more workpiece axes enable three-dimensional processing. This makes it possible to perform many high-precision welding and cutting operations.

Efficient production
LWC is spatter/oxid free and offers a very high level of consistency in weld penetration. With a contour accuracy of 0.05 mm, 100 % gas sealed precision and minima hat input to ensure minimal distortion, the quality of th weld seam is impressive. In terms of output, the maximum welding speed and high system dynamics also score highly.

Multi-axi laser welding cells with rotary table
Rational working on multi-station rotary table systems

5-axis machining
Machining of complex parts in one clamping movement

Intelligent clamping devices
Component monitoring Integrated measuring tasks

Ergonomic operation
Great accessibility at the loading positions

In close cooperation wih the customer, component architectures and clamping concepts are coordinated and designed for laser-compatible processing. Depending on the component complexity in question, multistation rotary table systems are developed for laser-compatible welding requirements.

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