Thanks for your visit at Euroblech

Glad you were there

We are happy you visited us and thank you for the interesting conversations at our two booths of Weil Technology and Schaal Technology at the Euroblech in Hannover. Thank you very much for stopping by.

We would be happy to advise you in detail and personally afterwards on the possibilities for your production in sheet metal processing with our innovative system solutions in the areas of (e-)mobility, sheet metal assemblies, tubes and containers as well as our presses for punching all materials.

Please contact us to discuss these items further. We look forward to hearing from you.
Here you can send us your message directly.

 Your team from Weil Technology and Schaal Technology


© Weil Technology - 金属板材加工设备和系统,集成了创新激光加工,夹紧及自动化技术